Home Bible Study - Gems from Mark

MARK CHAPTER ONE - Introduction

There is a question sheet to guide you -- and then a "cheat sheet" with the answers.  May God bless your study.


MARK CHAPTER TWO - Jesus Responds to Challenges & Questions

In this chapter Jesus responds to a number of challenges and questions about his ministry and the actions of his disciples. Fill in the blanks of these challenges:


MARK CHAPTER THREE - Jesus as the Savior from Sin

Jesus defied the expectations of the people of his day - the crowds, his enemies, and even his own earthly family. His knowledge and power amazed people. Through his Word Jesus continues to insist on being not who others want him to be, but the Savior from sin that he truly came to be. As you read chapter 3 give thanks that Jesus still has the power to amaze us with his power and love! 




Mark has fewer of Jesus' parables than the other gospels, but this chapter contains several of them. According to Jesus himself, this is a way in which he could both reveal and conceal the truths of the kingdom. May we make the effort to understand the truths that Jesus wants his people to know! 

MARK CHAPTER FIVE - Three Special Miracles


The three miracles recorded in this chapter don't only show us Jesus' power, but they show us the unique needs and personalities of the people who were helped. Can we see ourselves in their stories? 

They include: 

A man who knew he desperately needed help

A woman who was too shy to ask for help

A man who seemed to be beyond all human help

MARK CHAPTER SIX - Jesus Keeps Working, even when faith in Him is Lacking


Jesus keeps working--even when faith in him is lacking

Several stories in this chapter mention or refer to the lack of faith that people had in Jesus. In addition the prophet John the Baptist who had pointed people to Jesus, was executed. Yet Jesus continued to carry out his calling perfectly and faithfully in spite of this.

MARK CHAPTER SEVEN - Jesus Challenges Jew and Gentile Expectation


Jesus challenges Jew and Gentile expectations.  Two of the 3 stories in this chapter show us Jesus challenging the expectations of those who spoke to him. Whether they were Jews relying on rabbinic traditions or a foreign woman begging for help, Jesus' words tested their faith--in order to lead them to deeper trust and understanding.

MARK CHAPTER EIGHT - The Cross Comes into View


In this chapter Jesus first predicted his death to his disciples. Although they were horrified, Jesus used this as the opportunity to teach and clarify what God's plan was all about--including his plan for our own earthly lives.

MARK CHAPTER NINE - Glorious Christ, Glorious Service


The lives we live for Jesus are glorious not because of ourselves but because we are living for him. In this chapter we see Jesus showing his glory and teaching us about where and how we can find true glory in our lives, through humble service to one another.

Mark Chapter Ten - Defining Discipleship


In this chapter Jesus clarifies what it means to be his follower. He addresses issues of marriage, wealth, ambition and human pride. In each case he shows us that following him will mean living by very different standards than the world offers--all motivated by his selfless sacrifice for us.

Mark Chapter Eleven - The Final Week Begins


The final six of Mark's 16 chapters deal with the very last part of Jesus' redeeming work--his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, his suffering, death and resurrection.

Mark Chapter Twelve - A Busy Tuesday


All of the events in this chapter seem to have taken place on a single day--Tuesday of Holy Week. We see how energetically Jesus continued to teach and preach until the very end of his ministry!

Mark Chapter Thirteen - The End Times


This chapter, like chapter 12, took place during Holy Week, only days before Jesus' crucifixion. But unlike the previous chapter, this one is centered on one particular topic: Jesus' second coming and the end of the world. It was a private conversation between Jesus and his disciples.Like all prophetic Scriptures in the New Testament, it contains a number of challenging verses. We pray for the Holy Spirit to help and guide us!

Mark Chapter Fourteen - The Suffering Begins


This lengthy chapter includes words that we often read at our Wednesday evening services in Lent: called the "Passion History", it's the account of the final fateful hours leading up to Jesus' crucifixion. May we worship him for the love he showed us in his final steps toward the cross!

Mark Chapter Fifteen - Pilate and the Crucifixion


Jesus had told his disciples that his mission was to serve by giving his life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). In this chapter we see this final, saving act of service to us. May it always move us toward faith and heartfelt worship!

Mark Chapter Sixteen - The resurrection and great commission


Like the other Gospels, Mark's book ends with the testimony of Jesus' rising from the dead and his command to his followers spread the precious Gospel that he had come to establish.